about us
With decades of experience in the global on & offshore and shipping market, Tecnoil has consolidated itself as a partner to understand and translate the demands of its customers. The experience accumulated over all these years has allowed the development of various solutions for the generation of new business and the installation in the national territory of large industry companies that needed to deeply understand the Brazilian market.
For Tecnoil, there is no ready formula. Each project demands unique and tailor-made deliveries and resources, which are detected from a close relationship with the clients, a consolidated partnership with synergy to achieve the best results. This is how we do business design. We research, plan, and create promising alternatives to generate opportunities and efficiently implement new players in Brazil.
We are focused on high technology and play a fundamental role in the introduction of products and services. As an intelligence center, we adapt our services to the national and global markets. We focus on excellence and transparency in the sale and purchase of products and services, adequate cost and low carbon emission. Our focus is on business perpetuation.
We understand that the market in which we operate is undergoing a profound transformation and we want to stand by our clients in this scenario of change, always striving to translate the challenges presented into innovative deliveries and results, anticipating trends and collaborating to conquer new territories.
Tecnoil is a tradition that is renewed with respect, impact, and vigor with each challenge.
How we do it
Our projects are highly customized, as we have been cementing long-term relationships with our clients. To ensure excellence, we work with a Specialist Manager dedicated to each business, to make sure we deliver a comprehensive and focused service.
We study the market, our potential clients and our competitors to identify opportunities.
Technical analysis of competitive price levels to be practiced in the domestic market.
We minimize risks by showing local costs and advising on the best way to import assets, by recommending customs partners. We present local content strategies, compliance with the Brazilian standards (NRs), partnerships with engineering companies and implementation of an operational base.
Assistance in registration processes for the purposes of joining lists of suppliers.
Assistance in the drafting of proposals, negotiations and contract management.
We comply with the latest compliance laws, such as the FCPA, UK Anti-Bribery Act and the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law.
Back office: assessment of needs; support to teams and clients; scheduling of meetings; booking of hotels, reservation of flight tickets and transfer arrangements; organization of workshops and events.
our talents
We have built a legacy: we have a close-knit team that is focused on identifying opportunities and speeding up global long-lasting businesses.